This post exists because i am so J for jobless and there exists no title because i am too L for Lazy to think of one. I have been trying too hard to come up with a N for nice topic to write my F for first blog post but i am not able to.So at 1:00 AM i have decided to write about 5 R for random thoughts that crosses my M for mind...
Tomorrow is S for Saturday!! but i have to work!! Too bad!! But there is something worse- i have to work this Sunday too :(
Who coined the term C for copy-right? something that does not give you any right to copy,still it was decided to be called -COPYRIGHT... It should have been no copyrights or don't copyrights or something else...
What will be my A for aunt's reaction on reading this?? Would she L for like this or consider it unimpressive or unsuitable for a blog post. Hmm!! i am no C for Chinmayi or a professional blogger. Just a T for Toddler as a B for blogger.
Just 40 kms. mileage for 100 rs. petrol???
What D for dress do i wear tomorrow?? and i m so damn S for sleepy!!
Oops!!Now how do i wind up?? Too sleepy to think of anything nice... So i ll keep it simple..
G for good night
S for Sweet dreams...
Who ll read this?? :P :P :P)
Tomorrow is S for Saturday!! but i have to work!! Too bad!! But there is something worse- i have to work this Sunday too :(
Who coined the term C for copy-right? something that does not give you any right to copy,still it was decided to be called -COPYRIGHT... It should have been no copyrights or don't copyrights or something else...
What will be my A for aunt's reaction on reading this?? Would she L for like this or consider it unimpressive or unsuitable for a blog post. Hmm!! i am no C for Chinmayi or a professional blogger. Just a T for Toddler as a B for blogger.
Just 40 kms. mileage for 100 rs. petrol???
What D for dress do i wear tomorrow?? and i m so damn S for sleepy!!
Oops!!Now how do i wind up?? Too sleepy to think of anything nice... So i ll keep it simple..
G for good night
S for Sweet dreams...
Who ll read this?? :P :P :P)