Saturday, 10 May 2014

Random musings...

With the 5:00 AM breeze against my face, the smell of mayflowers for my nose, hot tea by my side for my taste buds,
when darkness is the only light and silence is the only noise-
I am here, in absolute solitude wondering about a lot of things, wishing for a lot of things to happen and as usual hoping to come up with a good post. If i could ignore the mosquitoes sucking my blood here, i am in total BLISS. At no other time of the day would i be given such freedom to sit simply and do nothing constructive owing to the fact that i have less than a month for my exams.
   Everytime i contemplated writing a post, something had been stopping me big time. That is nothing but want of a topic. But thankfully this time i am ready with a topic.  Actually with lot of topics. Do i write about Xenoglossy or my first time voting experience. Or should i write a review of a movie i saw or pour out my heart here or just stick to my forte- writing without a point.
   Pointless writing - Yes, i have aced it because i write not to bring about a change in the world but because i love doing it. Writing for the love of it... Because it is way better to keep things simple than to complicate and make a laughing stock out of yourself.
  Who knows someday i might even come up with an article on current affairs like the earth quake in Afghanisthan or 2014 lok sabha elections. But for now all i can say about the lok sabha elections is tat i voted this time for the first time :):) So till then we ll just watch the space.
   After a point there is no point in writing without a point. So winding up is the only option. But before that let me just share an inspirational PROVOKING thought - " Don't panic if you find a cockroach in your sandwich. You must panic only when you find half of it in your sandwich". What exactly does this provoke? Well, in me laughter and in you...???. God knows :)  :)

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